Police Investigate Chattanooga City Hall Vandalism


Chattanooga Police Department officers are investigating vandalism that occurred between Tuesday and Wednesday nights at Chattanooga City Hall.

“No suspects have been arrested,” Chattanooga Police spokeswoman Elisa Myzalsaid in an email to The Tennessee Star Wednesday night.

Myzal said nothing further.

Staff at Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke’s office declined our request to comment.

The Chattanooga-based WRCB, however, reported that red paint covered the steps of city hall Wednesday morning. Reporter Caroline Corrigan said on air that she did not see the paint on the steps between 5:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. Eastern Time Wednesday.

This happened hours after the city council voted to defund $2 million of the police department’s budget. Protestors said they didn’t think that was enough money, and they were angry they didn’t have enough time to talk Tuesday night, Corrigan reported.

Bliss Zechman, reporter with the Chattanooga-based NewsChannel 9posted video of the vandalism on her Twitter feed Wednesday.

Myzal relayed the following message to The Star.

“If anyone has information that could identify who did this or that could help the investigation, please contact the Chattanooga Police Department at (423) 698-2525 or submit a tip via the Chattanooga PD mobile app,” Myzal said.

“Anyone providing information can remain anonymous.”

Vandals have struck elsewhere in Tennessee this week.

As reported, one or more people vandalized the Holocaust Memorial at Nashville’s Gordon Jewish Community Center, according to officials who oversee the facility.

“What happened was something was posted there over the weekend, but someone did notice it, and it has been removed. There isn’t actually anything still to see,” Gordon JCC spokesman Deborah Oleshansky said Monday.

“Law enforcement has asked that we not share more information specifically because they are still investigating.”

While Oleshansky did not provide additional details, she did say the vandal or vandals damaged the memorial this past weekend. She said the memorial is visible at the Gordon JCC parking lot.

The Gordon JCC Holocaust Memorial is about 15 years old, Oleshansky said.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Chattanooga City Hall Vandalism” by WRCB Chattanooga. 







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One Thought to “Police Investigate Chattanooga City Hall Vandalism”

  1. Always though Andy Berk was cut from different cloth while in the Legislature but…they got rid fg white mans history, everything at the Brainerd Library i Chattanooga in 2014 and now cuttign the Police with rampant Black Gangs turning Chattanooga into a minor league version of Chicago?? I don’t know anyone who voted for this. I’m glad my parents aren’t around to see this.
